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Lying at the center of Beijing, the Forbidden City, called Gu Gong, in Chinese, was the imperial palace during the Ming and Qing dynasties. Now known as the Palace Museum, it is to the north of Tiananmen Square. Rectangular in shape, it is the world‘s largest palace complex and covers 74 hectares. Surrounded by a six meter deep moat and a ten meter high wall are 9,999 buildings. The wall has a gate on each side. Opposite the Tiananmen Gate, to the north is the Gate of Devine Might (Shenwumen), which faces Jingshan Park. The distance between these two gates is 960 meters, while the distance between the gates in the east and west walls is 750 meters. There are unique and delicately structured towers on each of the four corners of the curtain wall. These afford views over both the palace and the city outside. The Forbidden City is divided into two parts. The southern section, or the Outer Court was where the emperor exercised his supreme power over the nation. The northern section, or the Inner Court was where he lived with his royal family. Until 1924 when the last emperor of China was driven from the Inner Court, fourteen emperors of the Ming dynasty and ten emperors of the Qing dynasty had reigned here. Having been the imperial palace for some five centuries, it houses numerous rare treasures and curiosities. Listed by UNESCO as a World Cultural Heritage Site in 1987, the Palace Museum is now one of the most popular tourist attractions world wide.

Construction of the palace complex began in 1407, the 5th year of the Yongle reign of the third emperor of the Ming dynasty. It was completed fourteen years later in 1420. It was said that a million workers including one hundred thousand artisans were driven into the long-term hard labor. Stone needed was quarried from Fangshan, a suburb of Beijing. It was said a well was dug every fifty meters along the road in order to pour water onto the road in winter to slide huge stones on ice into the city. Huge amounts of timber and other materials were freighted from faraway provinces. Ancient Chinese people displayed their very considerable skills in building the Forbidden City. Take the grand red city wall for example. It has an 8.6 meters wide base reducing to 6.66 meters wide at the top. The angular shape of the wall totally frustrates attempts to climb it. The bricks were made from white lime and glutinous rice while the cement is made from glutinous rice and egg whites. These incredible materials make the wall extraordinarily strong.

Since yellow is the symbol of the royal family, it is the dominant color in the Forbidden City. Roofs are built with yellow glazed tiles; decorations in the palace are painted yellow; even the bricks on the ground are made yellow by a special process. However, there is one exception. Wenyuange, the royal library, has a black roof. The reason is that it was believed black represented water then and could extinguish fire.

Nowadays, the Forbidden City, or the Palace Museum is open to tourists from home and abroad. Splendid painted decoration on these royal architectural wonders, the grand and deluxe halls, with their surprisingly magnificent treasures will certainly satisfy "modern civilians".



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 4030 字

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Dear friends

Hello everyone, welcome to Zhengzhou, the capital of Henan Province. Myname is Liu x, the guide of Zhengzhou Tianxia travel agency. This is our driver,master Zou. During your tour in Zhengzhou, master Zou and I will provide youwith services. I wish you a wonderful and unforgettable time in Zhengzhou.

Zhengzhou is the capital of Henan Province and the political, economic andcultural center of Henan Province. It is located in the hinterland of China andamong the nine prefectures. It is adjacent to the surging Yellow River in thenorth, the majestic Songshan Mountain in the west, and the Huanghuai Plain onthe edge of Guangtian in the East and West. It is known as "the center of themajestic peak and the dangerous airspace".

Zhengzhou belonged to Yuzhou in ancient times. In 1027 BC, after the kingdestroyed Yin on Friday, he sealed his northern Guan Shuxian here and became theGuan state. After the Qin Dynasty destroyed the six states, there was a county,which belonged to Sanchuan county. In the Eastern Han Dynasty, it was Guancheng.In the third year of Emperor Wen of Sui Dynasty, Zhengzhou was named, which isthe beginning of the title of Zhengzhou. In the Qing Dynasty, Zhengzhou waspromoted to Zhili Prefecture. In 1923, after the Beijing Han railway workersrevolution, it was known as the "27" famous city. After the liberation ofZhengzhou on October 22, 1948, Zhengzhou was set up. In 1954, the capital ofHenan Province was moved from Kaifeng to Zhengzhou, and Zhengzhou became thecapital of Henan Province.

The city has five districts under its jurisdiction and one suburbandistrict (Shangjie District), five cities and one county, with a total area of7446.2 square kilometers and a total population of about 5.8 million, of whichthe urban area is about 130 square kilometers and the urban population is about1.9 million.

Zhengzhou has convenient transportation and is an important transportationhub in China. Beijing Guangzhou railway and Longhai Railway meet here. Zhengzhounorth railway station is the largest and most modern freight marshalling stationin Asia. National Highway 107 and 310 meet here. The expressway network fromZhengzhou to all parts of the province is forming. Now tourists can go directlyto Beijing by high speed. Zhengzhou Xinzheng International Airport, newly builtin 1997, is the 21st International Airport and one of the top ten airports inChina. Zhengzhou has developed commerce and trade, known as the mall. As earlyas 1992, a nationwide "commercial war" broke out here. Todays commercial war iseven more exciting. Zhengzhou is a famous historical and cultural city approvedby the State Council, which is rich in ground and underground resources, rich inagricultural and sideline products, and developed in industry andagriculture.

Zhengzhou is known as a green city with beautiful environment and shadytrees. Especially in recent years, Zhengzhou has increased the strength of urbanconstruction, and the urban quality has been continuously improved. Zhengzhounew pull Riverside Park, Bauhinia Square and other large green space and square.Zhengzhou is rich in tourism resources, including Songshan scenic spot, Shaolintemple which is famous for its Shaolin work, Zhengzhou Yellow River touristarea, which is a good place to enjoy the charm of mother river, and ZhengzhouYellow River tourist area; There are the hometown of emperor Xuanyuan ofXinzheng, a good place for the Chinese people to seek their roots and worshiptheir ancestors, as well as the ruins of Dahe village, the ancient city of Zhengand Han, the song Mausoleum of Gongyi, the Han Tomb of Dahu Pavilion, the grottotemple, and the hometown of Du Fu. Zhengzhou has complete tourism facilities,including all kinds of star hotels, restaurants, entertainment facilities, andcolorful nightlife.

During your tour, you will get comprehensive and high-end service, feel theenthusiasm and simplicity of the Central Plains people, and understand theprofound culture of the Central Plains.

Welcome to Zhengzhou for sightseeing.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:旅游,导游,全文共 2341 字

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西双版纳风景名胜区位于云南南部西双版纳傣族自治州境内,距昆明740公里。景区包括景洪县风景片区、猛海县风景片区、猛腊县风景片区三大块。 每一块内又有若干景区,共有19个风景区,800多个景点,总面积1202.13平方公里。该区有著种类繁多的动植物资源,被称之为动、植物王国。其中许 多珍稀、古老、奇特、濒危的动、植物又是西双版纳独有的,引起了国内外游客和科研工作者的极大兴趣。景观以丰富迷人的热带、亚热带雨林、季雨林、沟谷雨林风光、珍稀动物和绚丽多彩的民族文化,民族风情为主体。该区景观独特,知名度高,经国务院1982年批准定为第一批国家重点风景名胜区。

西双版纳傣族自治州位于云南省最南端,在北纬21°08′~22°36′,东经99°56′~101°50′之间,系北回归线以南,亚洲大陆向东南亚半岛过渡地带。全州总面积19184.45平方公里,人口79.6万,下辖景洪市和猛海、猛腊两县。这里居住著傣、哈尼、布朗、基诺、拉祜、佤、瑶等十几个民族, 其中傣族占1/3,汉族占1/3, 其他民族占1/3。与老挝、缅甸接壤,国境线长1069公里。

西双版纳距省会昆明约700馀公里,乘汽车两天或一昼夜可到达。版纳机场可起降“波音737”飞机,每天有从昆明到西双版纳的直达航班,空中飞行时间约50分钟, 另外辟有从成都、重庆、曼谷等城市到西双版纳的直达包机航缐。境内公路四通八达,十分方便。 西双版纳这个名称,是明代隆庆四年(1570年),宣慰司(当地最高的行政长官)把辖区分?十二个“版纳”(傣语“十二”?“西双”,“版纳”?一 千亩之意,即一个版纳?一个徵收赋役的单位)。从此便有了“西双版纳”这一傣语名称。

西双版纳是国家44处重点风景名胜区之一,有著300多万亩自然保护区,其中70万亩是保护完好的大原始森林,森林占全州总面积近60%, 到处青山绿水,郁郁葱葱,以其美丽和富饶闻名遐迩。

西双版纳境内共有植物二万多种,其中属热带植物5000多种,有食用植物一万多种,野生水果50多种,速生珍贵用材树40多种。许多 植物是珍贵用材或具有特殊用途,如抗癌药物美登木、嘉兰;治高血压的罗芙木;健胃虫的槟榔;风吹楠的种子油是高寒地区坦克、汽车 发动机和石油钻探增粘降凝双效添加剂的特需润滑油料;桐子油可替代柴油;被誉为“花中之王”依兰香可制成高级香料;有1700多年前的古茶树;有天然的“水壶”、“雨伞“;会闻乐起舞、会吃蚊虫的小草……

广大茂密的森林,给各种野生动物提供了理想的生息场所,目前已知有鸟类429种,占全国鸟类总数2/3,兽类67种,占全国兽类总数的16%, 西双版纳鸟兽种类之多,是国内其他地方无法相比的。其中被列为世界性保护动物的有亚洲象、兀鹫、印支虎、金钱豹等;有国家一级保护动物野牛、羚羊、 懒猴等13种,还有许多二、三类保护动物。

西双版纳还盛产橡胶,是全国第二大胶区、橡胶单产居全国之首,另外还盛产大米、多种热带水果和砂仁等珍贵药材,是名副其实的“植物王国”、 “动物王国”、“绿色王国”、“南药王国”。

到版纳旅游,有时会看到美丽的孔雀、白鹇、犀鸟在林中飞翔;有时会看到大象在公路上漫步;有时会看到羚羊、野鹿、野兔在奔跑……那情那景,真叫 人开心,这是在其他地方难以想象得到的奇观和乐趣啊!

西双版纳属热带雨林气候,日照充足,雨量充沛,一年内分干季和湿季,年平均气温在21℃。干季从11月至翌年4月,温季从5月至10月。终年无霜雪。 年雾日达108—146天。景洪地区极端最高气温达41.1℃,极端最低气温2.7℃,常年适於旅游观光。 傣族的历史悠久,在长期的生活中创造了灿烂的文化,尤以傣历、傣文和绚丽多采的民族民间文学艺术著称於世。早在 一千多年前,傣族的先民就在贝叶、绵纸上写下了许多优美动人的神话传说、寓言故事、小说、诗歌等,仅用傣文写的长诗就有550馀部。《召树屯与楠木诺娜》、 《葫芦信》等是其代表作,被改编成电影、戏剧等,深受群众的喜爱。

傣族的舞具有很高的艺术水平和鲜明的民族特色,动作为多类比和美化动物的举止,如流行广泛 的“孔雀舞”、“象脚鼓舞”等。 傣族的音乐悦耳动听,除了为舞蹈伴奏外,常与诗歌相结合。雕刻、绘画也具有鲜明的特点。傣族信仰上座部佛教,在傣族地区, 佛塔和佛寺随处可见。傣族民居——竹楼,是我国现存最典型的干栏式建筑,造型古雅别致,住在里面清凉舒爽。

傣族男子有纹身的习俗,表示勇敢、美观,亦能吸引异性的爱慕。 具有特色的旅游纪念品有:傣包、傣锦(绣花埝单、枕头、筒裙)、陶瓷水罐、竹篾饭盒、银腰带、筒巴、各种民族服装、花包、绣花腰包、木雕、鹅石工艺等。至于别有风味的傣味菜,那是每一个游客都要品尝一番的。临别,你千万不要忘了买几盒红豆(也叫相思子)回去,送给你的妻子、恋人或朋友,那是最具有特殊意义和浪漫情调的礼物啊!因此古人早就有诗云:“红豆生南国,春来发几枝,愿君多采撷,此物最相思。”






范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 703 字

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The Sky Pond of Changbai Mountain

The Sky Pond of Changbai Mountain, the largest crater lake, is the boundary lake between China and North Korea, as well as the source of Songhua River, Tumen River and Yalu River. It is elliptical. Its height is 21.4k㎡, with the surface area of 9.82 square kilometers, surface perimeter 13.17 km. The depth is 373 meters, with an average water depth of 204 meters. The total storage capacity is 2.04 billion cubic meters. The average evaporation is 450 mm, average annual precipitation 1333 mm. The average annual temperature here is -7.3 degrees. it is a huge natural reservoir. In 20xx, it won the Guinness world record----the volcanic lake with the highest elevation.



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Dear passengers, everyone! I am your tour guide lily pula, you can call me ho. This is very honored to visit the Great Wall with you.

From a distance, the Great Wall is like a huge dragon. Close look, I cant see the other end of the Great Wall. Standing on the Great Wall, beacon tower stands on the Great Wall, like a "daruma" will never fall. The Great Wall is an important ancient defense works, from yan started to build the Great Wall, the Great Wall has a history of more than 20xx years now!

There is a touching legend about the Great Wall. When building the Great Wall, in addition to need not to build the wall over the age of 60, other youth to build the Great Wall. Suzhou scholar Fan Xiliang, in order to avoid being caught by the rulers, had to be in hiding. Once, he fled to meng garden, accidentally encountered meng jiangnu. Meng jiangnu is a smart beautiful girl, she and her parents hid the Fan Xiliang together. Two old people like Fan Xiliang, meng jiangnu betrothed to his wife. But, the person and tragedies will descend, it is the unforeseen that newly married less than three days, Fan Xiliang go by officers and soldiers to catch. Later, meng jiangnu Trinidad TiaoTiaoDe came to the Great Wall to find her husband. Who knows, migrant workers told her that Fan Xiliang is dead. She was crying at the foot of the Great Wall, I dont know how long cry, listen to "bang", the Great Wall fall down a few kilometers.

The passengers, please do not throw garbage everywhere, and in the scribble on the ChengZhuan moment. We are to meet at 7 in the gate.


As the saying goes, "not a true man unless he comes to the Great Wall", climb the Great Wall have the constancy, and never quit the perseverance and determination, cant give up halfway! We can watch while climbing. Ill introduce the Great Wall for everybody: the Great Wall is composed of GuanCheng, beacon tower pier of watchtowers, smoke, and the barbican, wall, wall, the crenel, perforation, hole, etc. Beacon tower pier and smoke is used to transfer the situation of the enemy. In smoke on the pier burning smoke during the day, how much smoke the heap represents the number of enemy soldiers. Night cant see the smoke, a fire on the beacon tower. This way of passing information at that time is the most rapid and most effective, the beacon tower has played a very big effect.

At this moment, I saw a kid to climb on the wall. I put him down for everyone, said: "please note that cant climb on the wall, it is very dangerous. Outside the wall is dangerous mountain, its no fun to fall down!" Here, Ill tell you something about a story about the Great Wall: once upon a time, a man named meng jiangnu, she went to send clothes for repairing the husband of the Great Wall. She reached the Great Wall, but didnt find her husband. She hurriedly ask others, others say that he had been buried in the Great Wall. Her sad cry, cry for many years, finally, her tears fell the Great Wall, finally saw her husband.

The Great Wall is very beautiful, very spectacular, winding, welcome you to touring!


The tourists everybody is good, today Ill guide you to visit the Great Wall.

Look, far see the Great Wall it is like a long dragon, in between the mountains winding. From shanhaiguan east to west of jiayuguan, has more than thirteen thousand.

Now we have come to the Great Wall. This section of the Great Wall built in badaling, tall and strong, it is built against the huge stone and ChengZhuan. With square brick on the top of the wall, very smooth, like a wide road, WuLiuPi mark in parallel. Outside walls along the rows of buttress has two meters high, buttress on the square? At the mouth and a nozzle for? With hope and shot. On the top of the wall, every three hundred meters there is a square ChengTai, station troops fortress, war, between the ChengTai can mutual echo.

Now we are standing on the Great Wall, stepping at the foot of the square brick, holding the stone on the wall, you will naturally think of the ancient working people to build the Great Wall. Single the countless stone, a piece of have two or three one thousand catties, at that time there were no trains, cars, no crane this steep ridge, rely on countless countless hands, shoulders to the time of the working people is great.

Such boldness of vision of the male project, in the history of the world but a great miracle!

Is the majestic of the Great Wall, the male of vast gray not let us deeply intoxicated? Then let you to use your experience.


Dear visitors:

Everybody is good! Everybody call me weeks. Today, I take you to visit the Great Wall of world-famous. During the visit, please protect the cultural heritage, the wall graffito of the scribble not, not disorderly garbage.

Chairman MAO once said: "not a true man unless he comes to the Great Wall." As a Chinese people why dont we go visit? Right! Now we will go when men, mounted the former see head, after the end of the Great Wall. There is a touching legend about the Great Wall: intelligent and hardworking meng jiangnu, in order to find the officers and soldiers to catch to built the Great Walls husband, all the way to the Great Wall. After more than doubling about, but learned that her husband is alive dead tired! The news like a bolt from the blue, meng jiangnu cry for three days and three nights at the foot of the Great Wall, "bang" 1, the Great Wall in 800.

Now we are standing on the badaling Great Wall, stepping at the foot of the square brick, holding the stone on the wall. Tourists, look at the countless stone, a two or three one thousand catties, at that time there were no trains, cars, no crane, rely on countless countless hands, shoulders step by step, carry on the steep mountains. Look at these, you can think of the Great Wall is perhaps the epitome of many working people sweat and wisdom.

The beauty of the Great Wall, also dont say dont say it now, please walk to enjoy!


"North scenery, freeze, you spend a lot. Look inside and outside the Great Wall, but a more vast..." Hello everyone, I am the guide from the trip - xue guides. This time we will go to one of the historical and cultural heritage, the Great Wall.

The Great Wall from the qin dynasty began to build, to resist the invasion of the huns was built. From jiayuguan to shanhaiguan, full length more than thirteen thousand. Today well visit the Great Wall at badaling. You see, it is tall and strong, with huge stone and ChengZhuan built in. Everyone to see, on the top of the walls covered with square brick, very smooth, like a wide road, WuLiuPi mark in parallel. Outside walls along the rows of buttress has two meters high, there are square lookout on buttress mouth and nozzle, is for the benefit of the outlook and shooting. On the top of the wall, every three hundred meters there is a square ChengTai, is the bulwark of station troops. War, between the ChengTai can mutual echo.

Everyone look at the countless stone, with 2 - one thousand catties a there was no train, car, no crane, rely on countless countless hands and shoulders, step by step and carried on the steep mountains. How many working people sweat and wisdom, to condense into the former does not see the head, after the end of the Great Wall.

Everyone who knows the great probably how many people died? To fix the working people of the Great Wall with ninety-six percent of people are in the process of the Great Wall and completed less than two weeks to death. "Meng jiangnu cry the Great Wall" is to prove it. Is really "the dead times comparable to hurt, still hold pestle" zombies!

Now, there are many people on the wall disorderly painting, carving, and litter. If you want to keep the beauty of the Great Wall, dont damage the Great Wall. It is built against the many working peoples wisdom and sweat! Let us act, to protect the Great Wall, to protect the motherland good things!

Visitors, now we have the Great Wall, the end of the todays trip to the Great Wall. Thank you for your support, we see you next time.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 4367 字

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Tian’anmen Rostrum

Tian’anmen( the Gate of Heavenly Peace), is located in the center of Beijing. It was first built in 1417 and named Chengtianmen( the Gate of Heavenly Succession). At the end of the Ming Dynasty, it was seriously damaged by war. When it was rebuilt under the Qing in 1651, it was renamed Tian’anmen, and served as the main entrance to the Imperial City, the administrative and residential quarters for court officials and retainers. The southern sections of the Imperial City wall still stand on both sides of the Gate. The tower at the top of the gate is nine-room wide and five –room deep. According to the Book of Changes, the two numbers nine and five, when combined, symbolize the supreme status of a sovereign.

During the Ming and Qing dynasties, Tian’anmen was the place where state ceremonies took place. The most important one of them was the issuing of imperial edicts, which followed these steps:

1) The Minister of Rites would receive the edict in Taihedian( Hall of Supreme Harmony), where the Emperor was holding his court. The minister would then carry the decree on a yunpan( tray of cloud), and withdraw from the hall via Taihemen( Gate of supreme Harmony)

2) The Minister would put the tray in a miniature longting( dragon pavilion). Beneath a yellow umbrella and carry it via Wumen( Meridian Gate), to Tian’anmen Gate tower.

3) A courtier would be invested to proclaim the edict. The civil and military officials lining both sides of the gateway beneath the tower would prostrate themselves in the direction of the emperor in waiting for the decree to the proclaimed.

4) The courtier would then put the edict in a phoenix-shaped wooden box and lower it from the tower by means of a silk cord. The document would finally be carried in a similar tray of cloud under a yellow umbrella to the Ministry of Rites.

5) The edict, copied on yellow paper, would be made known to the whole country.

Such a process was historically recorded as “ Imperial Edict Issued by Golden Phoenix”.

During the Ming and Qing dynasties Tian’anmen was the most important passage. It was this gate that the Emperor and his retinue would go through on their way to the altars for ritual and religious activities.

On the Westside of Tian’anmen stands ZhongshanPark( Dr. Sun Yat-sen’s Park), and on the east side, the Working People’s Cultural Palave. The Park was formerly called Shejitan( Altar of Land and Grain), built in 1420 for offering sacrificial items to the God of Land. It was opened to the public as a park in 1914 and its name was changed in 1928 to the present one in memory of the great pioneer of the Chinese Democratic Revolution.

The Working People’s Cultural Palace used to be Taimiao( the Supreme Ancestral Temple), where tablets of the deceased dynastic rulers were kept.

The stream in front of Tian’anmen is called Waijinshuihe( Outer Golden River),with seven marble bridges spanning over it . Of these seven bridges,historical records say the middle one was for the exclusive use of the emperor and was accordingly called Yuluqiao( Imperial Bridge). The bridges flanking it on either side were meant for the members of the royal family and were therefore called Wanggongqiao( Royal’s Bridges). Farther away on each side of the two were bridges for officials ranking above the third order and were named Pinjiqiao( ministerial Bridges). The remaining two bridges were for the use by the retinue below the third order and wre called Gongshengqiao( common Bridges). They anr the one in front of the Supreme Ancestral Temple to the east and the one in front of the Altar of land and Grain to the west.

The two stone lions by the Gate of Tian’anmen, one on each side were meant as sentries. They gaze toward the middle axis, guarding the emperor’s walkway. In front of the gate stands a pair of marble columns called Huabiao. They are elaborately cut in bas-relief following the pattern of a legendary dragon. Behind the gate stands another pair of similar columns. The story of Huabiao may be traced to a couple of sources. One of the versions accredits its invention to one of the Chinese sage kings named Yao, who was said to have set up a wooden pillar in order to allow the ordinary people to expose evil-doers, hence it was originally called a slander pillar. Later it ws reduced to a signpost, and now it serves as an ornament.




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shaolin temple is chinas famous temple, and chan sect. it is located atthe foot of shaoshi mountain and got its name from its location. shaolin templehas a reputation for its zen buddhism and shaolin gongfu, which is the mainattraction of the scenery spot. shaolin temple was built for indian monk patuoin 495 or 19 of the yaihe year in the northern wei dynasty by xiaowenemperor.

shaolin was built against the hills. in the period of its great prosperity,seven buildings lined the central line of the temple, but in the war amongwarlords in the period of kuomingtang, some main buildings were burnt byshisanyou, including the hall of heavenly king, the abbots room and the hallfor preaching the buddhist doctrines and the bell tower and many preciousbuddhist sutras pugilism charts were destroyed as well. in the late 20thcentury, shaolin temple was rebuilt to the old system.

the stone tablets in shaolin temple are also well known, which are mainlyin the ciyun hall, or the tablet passage. about 120 pieces of handwriting worksare stored here, dating from the northern qi dynasty. many famous masters, suchas caijing, mipei, zhao meng fu and dong qichang, ever left their handwritinghere.

tower forest is where the monks were buried. the one in shaolin temple isthe biggest in china, 232 all together. it is of great value in the study ofbuddhism scriptures, buildings and zen buddhism.

besides, some other famous places include the buddhist convent, built inmemory of damo buddhist meditating facing the wall; damo cave and the sweet dewtower, where batuo ,the founder for the shaolin temple, translated thesutras.

in addition to the visit to the historic buildings, shaolin would giveperformance of shaolin gongfu, which will broaden your outlook and let you havea taste of the charm of shaolin martial arts.

chinese kungfu: chinese is a general designation of chinese wushu andgongfu, a culture developed from the long practice in life and the knowledge ofthe body. its a traditional precious heritage, and at the same time a specialsport of great value.

with chinas reform, chinese gongfu has spread over the world. to promoteits development worldwide, the olympic committee has included chinese wushu inthe events of the __ sydney olymipcs.



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朋友们游客,大家好! 走遍神州大地,醉美多彩贵州,欢迎您来到多彩贵州,今天我不是大家的导游,而是大家的朋友,我是一个地道的贵阳人,今天让我带您走进我的家乡,一个避暑之都——贵阳。










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dear visitors:

hello everybody! now our automobile is going on the badaling highway,must enter the badaling scenic area immediately which soon visits.front that mountain is the jundu, the badaling great wall occupies onthis mountain. in the spring and autumn period warring states time,our country ancient times the people on already started to constructthe great wall, at that time the feudal lord strove for hegemony, inorder to protect own territory not to encroach, therefore hasconstructed the great wall in abundance in respective boundary, wascalled mutually guards against the great wall.

but our country once appeared three to construct the great wall thepeak, respectively was the qin great wall, the chinese great wall,bright great wall. chin shihhuang in 221 b.c. unified area south ofyellow river, has established the qin dynasty, in order to strengthenthe rule north, defends nomads invasion, therefore will send thesenior general to hoodwink 恬 300,000 armies and very many laborforces the original north swallow, zhao, the qin great wall haslinked, and performed to expand, the lasted 9 years constructed westnear 洮 east to be continuous wan li to liaodong the great wall, thisalso will be in the chinese history the together great wall. to thehan dynasty, martial emperor of han dynasty also was for strengthenthe defense, "was not called hu madu the yin", has constructed anearly 20,000 mile great wall, simultaneously this also has protectedthe new development silk road, the chinese great wall is the qin greatwall together the front position and the defense line, west itxinjiang, east arrived liaodong, was in the chinese history constructsthe great wall longest dynasty. but the bright great wall is in thechinese history constructs the great wall the high point, the projectis big, essence of the technical is unique. same year zhu yuanzhangestablished ming dynasty in the unification nation in the process, hasaccepted "gao zhuqiang, guang jiliang, slow name king" suggestion. atthat time yuan dynasty although already perished, but also ismaintaining the quite complete military power, in addition graduallyrises nuzhen races unceasing invasion, therefore starts to constructthe great wall. the ming dynasty large-scale constructed the greatwall to achieve 18 were next many, only then basically has last yearsfinished to the ming dynasty, east nearby liaoning dandong yalurivers hushan, west to gansu jiayuguans bright great wall span 6,350kilometers. the bright great wall has three characteristics, buildsthe construction completely, manages the consummation, the layout isstrict. but we saw today the badaling great wall is a bright greatwalls part. but great wall in our country ancient times mostprimitive goal although is the defense, but at the same time it alsoplayed other roles. first is the military function, the second pieceis the economical function, it not only promoted the development andthe northern border economy development which opens up wasteland,moreover also is the area south of yellow river common people enjoys agood and prosperous life, third promoted various nationalitiesfusion. in addition, it has also protected the communication andpromoted the to foreign countries opening up. what is worthmentioning, in our country ancient times, not only only has thesethree time constructs the great wall the experience, according to thestatistics, in about in , successively some more than 20 feudallords country and the feudal dynasty all has constructed the greatwall, some people have made the sketchy computation, if the great wallwill rebuild together the height 5 meters, the depth 1 meter big wall,will many circle the earth 10 many all to have the wealth. famousfolklore: the beacon-fire play feudal lord and meng jiangnyu cry greatwall also is occurs in the great wall. now, the great wall afterpasses through several time repairs and maintains, basically restoredthe former appearance, is included in 1987 by the united nationseducational, scientific and cultural organization "world cultureinheritance name list", moreover it or now in world longest defensivecity wall! proliferated the our country 16 areas, the span hasachieved 10. 80,000 miles.

we passed through a moment ago the road, took place in yu guangou.guan gou is the mt. yanshan sierra and jundu sierra junction meetingplace, south changping area nankouzhen, northwest to yanqing countybadaling great walls area just outside the city gate, span 40 miles.is the area south of yellow river area leads to northwest plateau thepharynx and larynx important highway. the ming dynasty has arrangedfour defense lines in here, respectively is the nankou pass, occupiesthe commonplace pass, on closes, badaling. folds on the green jademountain in guan gouzhong, once had jin dynasty famous yanjing one ofeight scenery: occupies commonplace folds the green jade, what a pitynow the landscape already no longer existed.

we saw a moment ago that railroad was designs the construction by ourchinese the first railroad, designs peking-kalgan line by zhantianyou. because badaling area topography complex, the technicaldifficulty are very many, therefore zhan tianyou designs the personfont railroad, the success solved the train not to be able directly toclimb and the curve difficult problem, but made a connection longreaches 1,091 meters tunnels also to sigh the chinese and foreignpublic figure the clothing. now the bronze statue which sets up in theblack dragon bridge train station is zhan tianyou, but also has themonument.

closes the ditch because of to occupy the commonplace pass but to befamous, we may see front the grand construction occupies thecommonplace pass, its name origins from the qin dynasty, to chinshihhuang moves "the commonplace person" in here to live thereforeacquires fame. in the area inside the great wall, some famous whitemarble shitai, it is yuan dai as soon as has sat the streettower, above originally has three tibet type pagoda, destroyed in theafterwards earthquake. the ming dynasty in the original position ] hasestablished the taian temple, but has been destroyed in the kangxidynasty, only leaves behind now us to see the column foundation andlooks the column. baiyu shitaithe area has 310 square meter under ticket gate onto engrave has the lion, the elephant, the weird creature, relief andso on jin chiniao, separately represented the buddhism dense ancestor fivesides five buddhas place to ride, but also had tianlongbabu toprotect buddhist law the deity the relief. on the endophragm also hadthe four great heavenly gods relief and the god beastly design, theticket goes against also covers entirely daturas pattern, in theflower has engraved has the image of buddha, altogether 2,215. alsosome six kind of languages engrave "tuoluonepal after incantation" and "make towermerit to record", these all are yuan dai artistic high-quality goods,has the very high artistic value.

the badaling great wall is in the bright great walls outstandingrepresentative, because here extends in all directions, thereforebecomes badaling. possibly everybody can ask that, why has to speakthe great wall to construct in here? actually this mainly is becauseof the badaling area important geographical position. it not only isguarding the bright imperial tomb, moreover also is beijingsnorthwest front door.

the badaling great wall is in the history many significant eventstestimonies, for example the dreary queen mother patrols good fortune, yuan taizuenters the pass, west empress dowager cixi runs away and so on,badaling all is after all the road. speaks of here, but also somestory must say for everybody: is located closes the east end gateroadside, some megalith, the fable the eight power expeditionary forceattacked into beijing in 1900, cixi runs away in the west on the waypasses through here, once stood in this stone other day looks thenational capital, therefore this stone on is also called looks thebeijing stone. but present this stone already not that highlighted.

some speech everybody certainly knew that, not to great wall non- realman. introduced a moment ago that many landscape, you are certainlyanxious want to arrive the scenic area to tour, does not use theworry, you also had to become the real man immediately. good, here isthe famous badaling great wall distant place is the grand scenery, butdownward looked is the great wall important constituent old man city,he generally all constructs on the strategic in position keycommunication line. between old man city two is distanced 63.9 meters,the west gate inscribed horizontal tablet: key to defense of thenorth, i already have said in front. the east gate inscribedhorizontal tablet is: occupies the commonplace outside town, themeaning occupies a commonplace outside the passes strategic place. nowwe looked to the right release that, is ascending chengkou the southside to exhibit a cannon, named: invincible might general. ischong zhen year the manufacture.

the badaling great wall has three two walls compositions, what isthree two walls? now lets me give everybody to explain, threerespectively are the tower on a city wall, the enemy tower, tower on acity wall structure is extremely simple, only is the officers andsoldiers which guards evades the cold the place. that enemy towerstructure relative wants complex somewhat, divides into two, the lowerlevel is by the field, the well, returns, and so on the glyphcomposes, the upper formation has the crenel and looks the hole isobserves the military situation and the archery uses, therefore herealso has defends enemys function.

under arrived the beacon tower, also is called the beacon-fire, wolfyantai. is disagrees the great wall connected independentconstruction. once the enemy attack, lights the beacon-firenotification military situation, the ancient rewards the smoke whichthe daytime lights to be called beacon-fire, the evening is called the flint.ming dynasty time, but also has made the strict stipulation to thebeacon-fire and enemys relations that, enemy hundred, burn a smokeartillery; five caucasians, burn two smoke two artillery; abovethousand people, three smoke three artillery; above 5,000 people, foursmoke four artillery; above ten thousand people, five smoke fiveartillery. on through this way, in the border pass military situationcan the rapid transmission palace wall imperial palace.

said three, under on said next two walls. the great wall flank tallwall is called 牒 the wall, has the crenel is uses for to defend theenemy. but the inside insufficient meter high is called the daughterwall, also is called the space wall. in most starts the great wallinside is does not have the daughter wall, but frequently some peoplecan fall down the cliff, therefore has constructed this wall. each notfar has a small drainage in the great wall lower part of wall place,rainy day time by spits the tap to outside to drain water, in order toavoid the water washes out the city wall. but inside great walls walluses the stone block to cast, outside builds the brick, again spreadsout the flagstone in above, thus causes the building to be extremelyreliable!



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Lingshan scenic spot is located in huludao city, liaoning province lianshanbased ZiXiang cold water Wells village southwest, 48 kilometers from huludaocity, the core scenic area covers an area of 12 square kilometers. Scenicmountains, lush trees, jagged, deep caves, pavilions, temple bridge gallerystrewn at random have send. Unique architectural style, historical and culturalthick, is the rare ancient temple complex in north China. Liaoning province topten forest park, the huludao city lianshan district of patriotism educationbases.

Lingshan was founded in 1738, emperor qianlong three years), after 1806(the eleventh year of jiaqing) reconstruction and expansion, the beginning ofthe republic to form the next three courtyards, which group. Pavilions ingeniouslayout, exquisite construction, in the study of the qing dynasty middle-latereligious architecture layout, the form of great historical and cultural value.Lingshan scenic spot of Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism culture and naturallandscape into an organic whole, a total of LouTing DianGe 29, statue of Buddha,two taught more than 180. Scenic area from the five Buddha, the worse, spittorarmor of god, or lock, couples stone, stone, chick, Chinese zodiac dragon toteng, camel peak, tiger cave, and training platform, tian qi temple, shipbuilding, the infinite Wan Xian hole, hole, mother earth buildings, the god ofwealth, cool water at the tomb of the ancient, Zhong Qing etc. More than 100spots.



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Many times, see words about lijiang in travel magazine. In the article, and can only be drifted off the outline of lijiang is roughly a shape. Finally unbearable curious and decided to look at himself.

What is real, just discover the charm of lijiang cannot hide.

Though lijiang experienced an earthquake hit, however, the ancient city of presented today in good condition, really impressive.

Although many visitors, but still not impede the perfection of its quiet beautiful.

If say the west lake calm without a billow of intrinsic lucrative ci, such as wide charm of the taihu lake and graceful belle, that in my eyes, the lijiang, more like a girl, not yet married in purdah with ignorance of limpid eyes looked at the tourists from all over the world. While her ignorance, not because of stupid and isolation, but inherent trust in the world, the pursuit of human nature is the most pure nature.

Walk alone along the green flag of the ancient city of lijiang road, despite the hustle and bustle around, but when listening to the baseboard and bluestone knocking sound, the heart is very quiet. Just want to live the rest of my life here, the sunrise, whether. More like the ancient way of life. Even if difficult, even without the neon of prosperous, but as long as you can with the stone road, stone bridge, clear water, the breeze stroke face everyday, wicker flying, is already enough.

With Ruth mood walk here, where a worry should step to the next, so long as accompanies with this beautiful have dont have to speak. Are not afraid to get lost, anyway, no matter when, the ancient city of of primitive simplicity of folk will refer to led me where is the way home. Now, only need to take daily life very precious hours to calm, will be enough.

After numerous small store on the way, whats inside, cheap delicate, fondle admiringly. Have no such impulse, want to buy many things, even if back also is useless, but now came in hand, no matter how to dont want to put down.

Manage to make do it is not possible. Repeatedly to weigh the pros and cons, bought a belt with the hand catenary of style restoring ancient ways. Put on the arm of the slender, have bigger, sliding up and down on the forearm. Small pieces of the chain OO rustling ringing off the hook, but how also wont feel upset. As the ancient town, always quiet and not anxious. So I think about it, no matter how impatient and calculating the daily, here, is inevitably stop stop to enjoy! What bargaining skill, here, with really will feel ashamed.

Clear water, without pollution. The young fish in the river, clever swinging tail, gently artful artful pick a spray to swim around. When looking at their corners of the mouth is cant help laughing. Like watching newborn children, with the changes have not experienced the vicissitudes of ethereal lively glides across the heart, provoking heart trembled, shake up a wave of tender.

Cant help but think of the very lovely to make a sentence: "fish swim, water is very lively."

I want to, and only the heart of a child will have such a special imagination! Similarly, only with a childlike have tarnished heart silently watching, can find the beauty of the ancient city of lijiang.

I have some things in life, is always help themselves. But I am glad, lijiang is also such a place, can let me calm down, and even content with life here, every day, as long as can look at the ancient city of every inch of land, every plant, every stone bridge, it is good.

So even if leave, as long as, in here, I return to the nature of innocence. Like a child, what to do, dont have to care about the consequences, as long as happy, as long as the feel this world purity, horse, would not regret.

Small bridge, flowing water, somebody else, in the heart very clear, I will never miss.



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, henan province, is located in the Middle East, middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River, because most of the area is located in the south of the Yellow River, therefore calls in henan province. Rivers in ancient times, the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River and dense woods, many wild elephants, henan has been vividly describes a guy like land, this is pictographs "and" root and hereinafter referred to as the origin of the "yu" in henan. "History · yu gong" the world is divided into "kyushu", and states in the world of kyushu, therefore, is regarded as the central plains, zhongzhou.

Henan has 3: a world cultural heritage longmen grottoes, yinxu, heaven and earth of historical buildings. Eight of 11 national 5 a-class tourist scenic spot: the shaolin temple, longmen grottoes, yuntai mountain - sky river - shennong mountain, qingming shanghe garden, yinxu, baiyun mountain, Buddha, laojun mountain YaoShan - central plains comb hole. 4: world geological park, yuntai mountain, middle yue wangwu mountain, meishan, funiu, Diane. 15: national key scenic area, songshan, luoyang longmen, jigong mountain, wangwu mountain, yuntai mountain, YaoShan, Lin Lvshan, sky river, shennong mountain, tongbo - huai source, zhengzhou Yellow River scenic spot.

Henan is a warm temperate zone, subtropical, wet - semi-humid monsoon climate. General characteristics is less rain and snow in winter cold, spring drought and sandstorm, hot summer, the rain drenched set fall and sunshine. The best travel time is autumn.

Henan provincial 18 municipalities, including prefecture level 17, made the city one, 50 municipal district, 20 county-level cities and 88 counties.

Henan, called the central plains, is the birthplace of Chinese civilization and the Chinese nation. Is the core of the yuan dynasty in Chinese history before. Luoyang (15 dynasties), kaifeng (seven dynasties), shangqiu (the six dynasties ancient capital), zhengzhou (the five dynasties), anyang (two dynasties) is a famous ancient capital in one thousand. Dynasty successively in Xia Yi (now shangqiu), yanshi erlitou (luoyang), such as activation of (zhengzhou) near the capital. Shang dynasty in here (now shangqiu) capital, the company moved to "Yin" (now anyang), since the summer and Kim, 4000 years, there are more than ten dynasties, more than 200 imperial capital or capital was in henan, more than 3200 years. Whenever China civil strife, pack "competing in the central plains, henan is a battleground," China "is derived from the name of the center is located in the central plains region.
